South Central Behavioral Services turns to Business Intelligence

An efficient analytics and reporting solution is more important than ever in today’s complex behavioral landscape. Between the hurdles of state reporting and evolving mandates, providers need solutions to make compliance easier. They also need reliable reporting capabilities, because the move to value-based care demands timely, accurate reporting for reliable reimbursement.

Despite these pressures, organizations often lose time and money because they are unable to visualize organizational performance and identify inefficiencies in their care processes and administrative workflows. South Central Behavioral Services was determined to make changes and improve operations, and so it relied on Credible Business Intelligence (BI) to solve many of these challenges.

Credible BI is a fully configurable reporting platform that helps behavioral health providers track, visualize and analyze data quickly and efficiently for actionable insights. Credible BI identifies the data that matters and displays it in easy-to-read visualizations that drive informed decision-making. These insights lead to better client outcomes, increased revenue, simplified compliance and boosted productivity across every level of operations. Best of all, these tools are available right from within the Credible EHR.


South Central Behavioral Services (SCBSNE) is a Nebraska-based Community Behavioral Health agency providing mental health and substance use services for adults, children and families, and specialized services for youth and families.

The old way of reporting, Corporate Compliance Officer, Bob Shueey, notes, “really [felt] like it was the Dark Ages.” In an arduous, time-consuming process, staff used to dump data into spreadsheets for manual filtering, sorting and report creation. By the time the data reached its end destination, days or weeks had passed and the data was already obsolete. Going back to modify reports or fix errors was “like pulling teeth.

”Despite their struggles, SCBSNE staff learned a few things from their data and reporting nightmares. First, reports had to target only the relevant data. They had to be routed to the staff member who needed them, quickly and efficiently. Lastly, the report-generation process had to be fast, easy and accurate.


In the words of their Corporate Compliance Officer, South Central found that Credible BI could “sort and filter out the noise so you can see the signal.” With access to real-time data, reporting was no longer a painful monthly cycle. Now, South Central has dashboards that alert them in real-time of any issues. Having customized dashboards tailored to the needs of each team member ensures that the right data gets to the right people at the right time. Easy report generation tools save even more time and ensure accuracy. The results speak for themselves. Processes that used to take days now only take hours. What used to be hours-long ordeals of digging through client charts and writing emails now requires only two clicks of a mouse. Another benefit? Compliance has dramatically increased across the board.

To monitor non-approved services, SCBSNE used to undergo an inaccurate process of data dumps, tallying figures and wrestling with internal communication. They would sometimes find more than 700 non-approved services in their system. With Credible BI, a dashboard was created to automate the whole process. Now, as few as 50 non-approved services turn up — and those outliers are even easier to remedy thanks to Credible BI.

SCBSNE also has seen similar boosts in compliance in its ongoing client assessment processes. Using two dashboards has helped boost their compliance in this area from 27 percent to 83 percent. Thanks to that turnaround, in 2017 the agency earned recognition from the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities survey for exemplary conformance. The system they developed in Credible BI to drive and track interventions, goals and class offerings via dynamically assessed needs made this possible.

SCBSNE Works Smarter With Credible BI:

  • Personalized dashboards with real-time data & alerts
  • Time-saving workflow automations
  • Highly customizable report generation tools
  • Clean, easy-to-read data visualization


With Credible BI, South Central Behavioral Services officials say they feel confident in the path forward as an agency. Implementing new processes for staff is now easy — just build a new dashboard to monitor that process and go from there. With Credible BI’s fully customizable dashboards at their fingertips, staff can find and address problems as they arise, keeping the agency ready for anything in today’s rapidly changing care environment.

Compliance Simplified:

  • CARF recognition for exemplary conformance
  • Dramatic reductions in non-approved services
  • From 27 to 83 percent compliance rating in

To learn more about how Credible Business Intelligence can help your agency leverage data to drive positive outcomes, increase productivity and boost revenue, please contact us today at

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