CCBHC Readiness | Health Information Technology Checklist

Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics (CCBHCs) require the right technology solution to meet the CCBHC criteria efficiently and effectively. The most critical areas to consider when choosing the right EHR solution for your CCBHC are:

  • The ability to efficiently collect clinical, operational, and cost-based data
  • Has robust reporting and analytics for ease of access to reliable data outcomes and results
  • Interoperability that easily facilitates the continuum of care

Does your technology support your needs in each critical area mentioned above?

Download the CCBHC Readiness Checklist here

Use this checklist to evaluate your organization’s technology readiness for the CCBHC treatment model:

Connect, Exchange, and Integrate Data

CCBHCs require greater collaboration and data sharing than many organizations have done before. Your technology must adapt by connecting, integrating, and sharing data effectively, securely, and accurately.

  • System integrates primary care and behavioral care documentation and billing.
  • System allows providers to create fully integrated treatment plans.
  • System supports Case Management workflows including “closing the referral loop” for tracking social determinants of health (SDOH) indicators.
  • Technology ensures you and external stakeholders can exchange information seamlessly.
  • Professional support services are available to support the optimization of your system and your workflows.
  • Secure integration with any HL7-compliant system allows you to get and share the data you need.
  • You can access the system and your data via desktop and mobile devices, including Mac, Windows, Android, and iOS.

Drive and Measure Performance

An EHR should be a flexible and configurable “performance management system” that makes it simple to collect, measure, and improve the quality of services and operational Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). The right EHR will also provide insight into the cost of delivering CCBHC services. Look for these key features:

  • Transparency into quality measure performance allowing providers to adjust interventions as necessary for improved outcomes.
  • Easy access to operational KPIs which support data driven management decisions to improve resource utilization, resource productivity and to control costs.
  • Analytics tools that show real time performance toward CCBHC goals such as number of intakes, follow up on referrals, use of evidence-based practices, and efforts for ensuring equity in care.
  • A robust library of reportable, standardized assessment and screening tools.
  • Powerful patient engagement capability that allows for streamlined telehealth, exchange of clinical documentation, client communication, client payments, and appointment reminders.

Access to Data

Your team should be able to access any actionable data when they need it — at the point of care, in the community without internet, or after service is provided. Look for these capabilities:

  • Consumer-reported data is accessible at point of care.
  • Community-based staff can access data and document services without internet.
  • Any role in your organization can monitor appropriate data and performance trends.
  • You can share appropriate reporting views with payors, funders, and stakeholders.
  • Standard and custom reports give insights into performance, trends, exceptions, and patterns.
  • EHR can be integrated with external systems including receiving ADT files

Where to Go from Here?

For many organizations, adapting to CCBHCs will mean greater need for integration and data sharing, new workflows, expanded documentation needs and changing payment models. To be successful, CCBHCs and organizations that work with them must integrate systems effectively, measure and drive performance, and ensure easy access to data to make decisions. You need agile technology that scales to meet your goals.

At Qualifacts , we know how to help providers adapt to the demands of CCBHCs. Our innovative EHR solutions enable our customers to focus on what’s important, client care, while integrating effectively, managing risk and staying ahead of the ever-changing regulatory landscape. If you’d like to learn more about our CCBHC offerings, please our CCBHC page.

Contact an EHR Software Expert

At Qualifacts, we are committed to serving behavioral health, rehabilitative (PT/OT/SLP), and human services organizations by providing top-rated EHR solutions and services. Our team consists of seasoned professionals with hands-on clinical and administrative experience in these vital service areas. We understand the unique challenges you face and are here to assist you in selecting the most suitable solutions for your organization’s needs. Let’s kickstart the conversation that can transform your services. Complete this brief form to get started.